Regular expressions are still an unpopular and underestimated topic in modern Python, but at the same time, judicious use of regular expressions can save you from writing many lines of code. If you already have some experience in the industry, but you do not know how to use regular expressions, you are wasting 30-50% of your productivity. I highly recommend that you master regex as it is a one-time investment in yourself.
You don't have to google a lot and try to analyze which textbook is better. Do not waste time on such analysis at all. Because it doesn't make sense. At the moment (well, if you don't know regular expressions yet) it makes more sense not to try to guess where it is better to start, but to actually start learning. A blog for learning about regular expressions is here.
Below is a list of symbols that we can use for regular expressions in the Java programming language.
- ^ Matches beginning of line
- $ Matches end of line
- ... All characters are matched except the newline character
- […] Matches any single character in parentheses
- [^…] Matches any single character not in parentheses
- \ A Beginning of whole line
- \ z End of whole line
- \ Z End of the entire line, except for a valid end-of-lin